
Why I started an Instagram page

Why I started an Instagram page

So many people have asked me about why I started my Instagram page, why I feel the need to shout about having a stoma, why raising awareness about IBD & stoma life is suddenly so important to me?

There are so many reasons, my first is to my 16-year-old self, 16-year-old Nikki was told at some point stoma surgery might be the way my life would pan out, my thoughts at the time… I’d rather be dead. If I can stop one other person feeling like that, then everything I have done by putting myself out there will be worth it. 

My second reason is to give back, when I did wake up with part of me that used to be on the inside, suddenly on the outside, I didn’t know where to turn. Google was scary, Facebook was full of horror stories, the people in the magazines and booklets were all twice my age (if not more) but the place I found a tribe of people showing that their life was the same, if not better, was Instagram. I can honestly say, I have learnt more from Instagram about stomas and IBD than I ever have from any resources that have been available over the years. Once I realised how much they gave me, I wanted to join them and give back to someone else who may need it.

Thirdly, talking about poo shouldn’t be a taboo. We all poop. The more we talk about it, the more likely it is that if something isn’t quite right, we get it checked sooner rather than later, which could be lifesaving. It’s that simple. Talking makes people more comfortable to go to the doctors, and realising they are not alone. 

And finally… this awareness is to show the younger generation that perfection isn’t real, and the older generation, that they shouldn’t be ashamed, nor should it have to be a secret.

There are so many other reasons why we do what we do, and why we will carry on, even if makes a select few feel uncomfortable, because if you live with IBD and or a stoma, you should be celebrated for being a warrior.
