‘Do you want to go camping?’ is a question that used to fill me with dread before my surgery. The toilet situation, the distance from the toilet block and the thought of being unwell in a field are just a few reasons why this wasn’t the type of holiday I had any interest in. Since my stoma surgery, I have definitely broadened my horizons and been much more brave in things I can now actually do. When the camping question came up this time, there was no reason not to go!
Packing stoma supplies
My first top tip is without a doubt to plan ahead and over pack on stoma supplies! When I was packing I took double what I thought I may need just in case!
The shower block that was at the campsite was, shall we say, basic. I took my stoma bag supplies in to the shower for the first change, but this was my last. It certainly wasn’t the cleanest of places and there was a queue of people waiting for a shower so I felt under pressure to be quick which as any ostomate will know, only leads to your stoma misbehaving!
After this experience, I actually changed my bag in the tent each morning. I was fully prepared with wet wipes on hand, everything laid out on the floor and this worked really well for me. I had hand sanitiser ready for after the change to use too.
Be organised
Another really important tip is to be organised with a torch ready by your side for night time trips to the toilet! My routine is always to be up at least once during the night to empty my ileostomy, so whilst camping this I thought may be a little bit of a challenge. However having a torch by the side of the air bed, gave me peace of mind that I wasn’t going to wake up my family but that I could squeeze out and squeeze back in without any disturbance. If you wanted to you could take your own sleeping bag too, if you are worried about leaks but I didn’t and I was absolutely fine!
Keep hydrated
Finally, knowing me and not making things easy for myself, we decided to go camping on the hottest weekend of the year so fluids were absolutely vital! I took so much water, squash, as well as energy drinks to try and keep hydrated at all times plus the occasional ice cream…
I had the BEST weekend camping, my stoma didn’t hold me back at all. If you are considering it, I’d really urge you to give it a go – just a little reminder – preparation is absolutely key!
Charlotte @char.crohnsftwilson xx

Meet the blogger: Charlotte
Meet Charlotte, who was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2009 and after years of trying medication after medication. She now lives with a new brand new stoma, named Wilson, which has given her her life back.