Patient Name: Leighton Melanie
Nurse Name: Heather Wilson
Patient Care Setting: The patient attended clinics at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead.
Patient Overview: The patient was a 75-year-old male who required a loop ileostomy as a result of colorectal cancer.
The patient was fully mobile and being active was important to him. At the time of presenting at the clinic the patient had had the stoma for 6 months.
Problem: The patient had been using Pelican Select Convex for c. 6 months prior to this case study as his previous pouch was lifting and causing excoriated skin.
While the Pelican Select Convex was a marked improvement on his previous pouch the skin above the stoma was red and sore.
Suspected Cause: Slight leakage onto the skin from the stoma in the peristomal area.
Course of treatment: Pelican Platinum Convex Contour with Vitamin E was trialled for 2 weeks in conjunction with the powder and barriers wipes he was previously using.
Interventions/complications? The barrier wipe didn’t appear to be having any effect and this was a factor in choosing the Platinum Vitamin E product.
Outcome: The nurses judged there to be an 80-90% improvement in skin condition, leaving only a small area of redness and with all the broken skin healed.
- Before
- After
Conclusions: The patient was changed from the normal Platinum hydrocolloid to the Platinum with Vitamin E hydrocolloid with no other interventions and the introduction Vitamin E demonstrated a marked improvement in skin condition. This case study helps to prove the effectiveness of Platinum with Vitamin E when compared with the normal Platinum product.
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